Personal Shorthand
Personal Shorthand Cardinal Series
Carl W. Salser, C. Theo Yerian, PhD
This series consists of three parts. Each part is more than adequate for a
full term of shorthand instruction.
PS/1 (40 lessons) covering Theory, Personal Notetaking Techniques,
and Introduction to Transcription.
PS/1 Text; Softcover. Stock # 241050
ISBN 0-89420-106-9 -- $10.95 |
Correlated Publications |
Teacher's Manual & Key to Text
Key to Tests
20 Optional Recordings (Includes Text, Teacher's Manual with Key, Tests, & Test Key) $314.25
PS/2 (40 lessons), covering Speedbuilding and Transcription, Vocational
Applications, and Special Vocabularies.
PS/2 Text; Softcover. Stock # 241105
ISBN 0-89420-107-7 -- $11.95 |
Correlated Publications |
Text Key 4.45
20 Optional Recordings
(Includes Text & Key) 314.25
PS/3 (40 lessons) including Advanced Speedbuilding and Transcription,
Secretarial Procedures, Technical Vocabularies, and Reference Guide.
PS/3 Text; Softcover. Stock # 241165
ISBN0-89420-108-5 -- $13.95 |
Correlated Publications |
Key to Text 3.95
20 Optional Recordings (Includes Text & Key) 314.25
PS/80 is a hardbound combination of the PS/1 and PS/2 texts, intended for courses that might take 16 to 18 weeks. Use tests and recordings above.
PS/80 Text; Hard Cover. Stock # 241180 ISBN 0-89420-221-9 -- $15.85 |
Teacher's Manual & Key -- $6.95 |
PS Cardinal Series Individualized Program
Carl W. Salser, C. Theo Yerian, PhD
A complete Individualized Mastery Learning course in Personal Shorthand,
identical in content to the PS/1 Cardinal Series text, consisting of 20 carefully
prepared recordings, a correlated student syllabus, and additional supporting
materials. For intermediate and advanced study, see PS/2 and PS/3 above.
20 recordings, 40 lessons. Stock # 241000
(Includes one complete set of the correlated publications listed below) -- $314.95 |
Additional Copies of Printed Publications |
Student Workbook 14.95
Teacher's Manual & Key $5.95
Tests $3.95
Key to Tests $3.45
PS Cardinal Series 2000,
High School Edition
Salser & Yerian
The latest edition of our 80-lesson text, redesigned and augmented for
our PS Cardinal Series 2000. More attractive two-color layout makes
the book more readable and interesting for students. All new supplementary
Endurance Letters for dictation and transcription practice give instructors
options in preparing practice material for students, with a minimum of effort.
Books 1 & 2 Combined; 452 pages, hardcover, Stock # 241280, ISBN 0-89420-260-X -- $21.95 |
Teacher's Manual and Key, including
new dictation material. Stock # 241282 -- $6.95 |
PS Cardinal Series 2000, College
Salser & Yerian
Especially prepared for college and university classes, this textbook
-- in the new Cardinal 2000 series -- incorporates more than enough material
for schools operating on a term basis, and when supplemented with appropriate
dictation material, even a semester's work.
Presentation of PS Theory is the same as in our PS/1 introductory text or
Individualized program above, but all of the dictation and transcription
material is college level, covering such areas as communication skills,
the computer age, computer crime, stocks and bonds, population demographics,
economics, occupational trends, etc.
PS/1 2000, College Edition, 40 lesson
text, softcover. Stock # 244250, ISBN 0-89420-247-X -- $17.95 |
Teacher's Manual and Key, including
additional dictation material. Stock # 244255 -- $5.35 |
Personal Shorthand for the Journalist
C. Theo Yerian, Walter Blum
A special text/workbook written primarily for the use of students of
journalism and practicing journalists. In addition to learning a very
practical notetaking skill, students receive much helpful information
pertaining to the work of the journalist. One of the co-authors is a
well respected jounalist at one of the country's leading daily newspapers.
Text/Workbook. Stock # 242032.
ISBN 0-89420-214-6 -- $14.95 |
Additional Correlated Publications |
Workbook Key $4.35
15 Optional Recordings, $237.20
(Includes copy of Text & Key)
PS for the Administrator/Executive/
A Personal Shorthand text/workbook especially designed for the busy
executive; consisting of 10 theory sections, 10 practice sections, and
10 reference sections. Designed to approximately double writing
speed in approximately four weeks.
Text/Workbook. Stock # 420125,
ISBN 0-89420-237-5 -- $12.75 |
Key to Workbook -- $3.95 |
PS for College and University
A self-contained text-workbook, designed for use by individuals, or in brief
personal-use classes (use Cardinal Series Manuals, Keys, and Tests).
Text/Workbook, softcover. Stock # 421000 -- $11.95 |
PS for the Executive Secretary
(To be used after Mastery of Shorthand Theory)
Includes comprehensive lectures on office procedures and management, in
addition to intensive skillbuilding for the PS writer assuming executive
office management responsibilities.
15 recordings, 30 lessons. Stock # 217100
(Includes one complete set of the correlated publications listed below) -- $243.95 |
Additional Copies of Printed Publications |
Student Workbook $14.95
Key to Workbook
Tests & Key 4.75
PS Supplementary Materials
PS Theory Review Workbook
Carefully reviews all theory principles and phonetic assignments, from
three to five times. Each lesson may be used as a test as well as a workbook
exercise. Approximately half the schools that teach PS use this workbook for
additional review of theory principles, but whether it is appropriate will,
naturally, depend upon the goals, student abilities, and length of your
individual course.
Stock # 216715 ISBN 0-89420-233-2 -- $9.95 |
Key to Workbook |
PS Standard Dictionary
An invaluable reference for PS students and teachers alike, containing over 22,000
entries, each individually syllabicated and verified.
Stock # 213100 ISBN 0-89420-239-1 -- $13.95 |
PS Professional Combined Dictionary
This exhaustive volume includes both our Standard Dictionary and a unique
Reverse Dictionary, alphabetized by shorthand, to assist transcribers.
Stock # 213000 ISBN 0-89420-241-3 $22.95 |
PS Flashcards (Classroom size).
Stock # 217015 -- $27.75 |
PS Flashcards (Individual Student
Size). Stock # 217017 -- $7.95 |
PS General Reference Guide for PS
Writers and Transcribers. Stock # 213550 -- $4.95 |
PS Theory Card. Contains all basic PS Theory
on a single 3 x 5 card. Included with every introductory text or workbook.
Stock # 21711l -- No charge |
PS Cardinal Series Teacher's Manual
(included in Cardinal Series keys). Stock # 241190 ISBN 0-89420-1 i5-8 --
No charge |
PS Student Certificate of Accomplishment. Stock # 217012 -- No charge to
teachers requesting the necessary quantity via mail or fax on school letterhead.
PS Handbook for Beginning Legal
A comprehensive reference book of legal terms and pointers, providing, in
addition, valuable practice material and writing experience for accomplished
writers completed with at least PS/1 and, preferably, PS/2.
Stock # 422150 ISBN 0-89420-254-5 -- $22.95 |
PS Handbook for Beginning Medical/
Dental Assistants
An extremely valuable reference book in its own right (with carefully selected
vocabulary lists), this book is appropriate for PS writers who have completed
at least PS/1 and, preferably, PS/2.
Stock # 422100 ISBN 00-89420-253-7 -- $22.95 |